【同义词辨析】 2019-12-13 禁止forbid-ban

forbid: implies absolute proscription and expected obedience of an order from one in authority: smoking is ~den in the building.  proscribe禁止,尤指通过法律禁止to forbid, especially by law,如strikes remained proscribed in the armed forces武装部队仍禁止罢工,如proscribed organizations被查禁的组织,如in some cultures surgery is proscribed在一些文化里,外科手术是被禁止的)

prohibit: suggests the issuing of laws, statutes, or regulations: ~ed the manufacture and sale of firearms. law泛指任何法律如自然法神圣法普通法判例法教会法以及立法机构立法,statue特指立法机构立法    issue的基本意思是to give out给出,可适用多种事物,如法律声明杂志邮票书籍呼吁

interdict: implies prohibition by civil or ecclesiastical authority for a given time or a declared purpose: ~ed trade with belligerent nations.  civil政府的(非宗教或军事的); 民事的(非刑事的)     ecclesiastical基督教会的

inhibit: implies the imposition of restraints or restrictions that amount to prohibitions, not only by authority but also by the requirements of situation or by voluntary self-restraint: laws that ~ the growth of free trade.

ban: suggests prohibition stemming from legal or social pressure and strongly connotes condemnation or disapproval: ~ned the new music video.  禁止该音乐视频   如Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year加拿大今年将在办公场所烟,如U.S. Navy bans TikTok from government-issued phones美国海军将在政府发放的手机上用抖音,to impose/lift a ban颁布/解除禁令

forbid禁止: 表示行使权力绝对禁止必须遵守,prohibit禁止: 表示颁布法律规章,interdict禁令禁运: 在一定时间内为实现特定目的,inhibit抑制: 指实施克制限制,近乎禁止,可表示被动或主动克制,ban禁止禁用禁看: 来自社会司法压力,强烈表示谴责反对

记忆方法: 1)首字母FPIIB想成FBI的IP<==禁止

         2)禁止的意思是阻止做或用mean to debar one from using or doing something or to order that something not be used or done.         (debar阻止排除即禁止,bar这里表示金属条或棒,词根DE表示向下,意思是prevent,另外bar本身也表示阻止排除禁止,如amnesty workers have been barred from Sri Lanka since 1982从1982年起,大赦国际工作人员就被禁止进入斯里兰卡)